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Hi Everyone!
Below is an email that Hearts to Heroes received from our Troops in Xxxxxx!  Thanks everyone for your help and support!
Take care and God Bless!
Myra Foskey
Hearts to Heroes
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Public Charity

Just wanted to personally say thank you for the donations.
Enclosed in the attachments is a picture of my soldiers and myself as well as a thank you letter.  Please fell free to print them and put them were they can be seen by those who helped you with the donations.
Thank you so very much


First we all would like to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful donations. They will defiantly go a long way with the guys.
The picture above shows the 9 people that your packages helped out in their entirety. We all think that HEARTS TO HEROES is an amazing organization and thank you for what you do.

It is a pleasant reminder that people back home still do care and understand the stresses that we deal with on a regular basis.

It is the small wonderful delights and simple things that mean and matter so much here because they remind us all of home in some shape or form. I wish we had more to give back as a group to you and your supporters, but for the moment I hope this letter will suffice. Again we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and look forward to hearing from your group again in the future if possible.
If no we greatly appreciated the donations thus far and please keep supporting troops across the globe.

Thank you and Very Respectfully
XXX Bxxxxxx, J. & Soldiers