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Hi Everyone!
Below is an email that Hearts to Heroes received, this morning, from our Troops (on Ship)!  Thanks everyone for your help and support!
Take care and God Bless!
Myra Foskey

Thank YouThank you so much for your care packages!  My division loved it!  They especially loved the stir straws. Nobody saw that coming! You hit the nail on the head with all of the coffee as well.
I wanted to thank you personally for everything that you did for all of us. 

Smiles can be hard to come by sometimes, and care packages are priceless.

It is 2PM here, we are 1 day away from pulling into a port.  None of us can wait!  However, until we pull in, tomorrow, I can not disclose our location.
I hope that you are having a fantastic day and may God bless.
Very Respectfully,
XXx Hxxx, Axxx X.