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Hi Everyone!
Hearts to Heroes received the below email from Chaplain Kim in Afghanistan.  I am working on getting a shipment out to him this week with more to follow.  Some of the items that they are in need of are:
Towels, soap (male & female), body wash (male & female), hand lotion, saving gel (male & female), Shampoo (male), handi-wipes/wet ones/baby wipes, travel size hand sanitizer, facial cleansers (female), tampons, maxi pads w/wings, lip balm, dental floss, travel size mouth wash, Q-Tips, sun screen lotion, and wall calendars
The above items are what we are low on or do not have on hand and we are always in need of snack food items.  For anyone that would like to help, a copy of the Hearts to Heroes Troop Supply List can be obtained from our Ways To Donate page or if you would like to make a monetary donation, to help with the shipping costs, please make check out to “Hearts to Heroes” and mail to my attention at P. O. Box 711, Cochran, GA 31014
As Chaplain Kim mentioned in his email, our Troops are under a lot of stress every day and receiving care packages is a great morale booster for them and with your continued help and support, we can make that happen!
Take care and God Bless!
Myra Foskey
Hearts to Heroes
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
P. O. Box 711; Cochran, GA 31014
“God Bless America” and “God Bless Our Troops”


Dear Ms. Foskey,

I am Chaplain Kim with 1-23 Infantry Battalion.  My unit has recently deployed and is now in Afghanistan.  We are assigned to a very dangerous area, the Panjwayi District.  Our Soldiers are taking fire from the Taliban and are at risk of IED attacks daily.  These young men are under great deal of stress, and it will mean a lot to them to receive a care

Our Soldiers are taking fire from the Taliban and are at risk of IED attacks daily.

Currently, we have 1,000 Soldiers in our battalion.  If Hearts to Heroes would send any support for our Soldiers, I would really appreciate it.

I will ensure that the packages are distributed to our Soldiers.  If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to let me know. 

Very respectfully,
Yoonhwan Kim
Chaplain (CPT)