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Getting things from home and knowing that there are good Americans back home that appreciate what we are doing really makes a difference.


I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful care packages I received. It was like Christmas morning around here when the mail came.
One of the guys said that it was more stuff than he’s gotten the whole time he’d been here. As you can imagine all the Army guys jumped right in and put a big dent in all the goodies.

I also really appreciate you sending the guitar for Eddie. I’ve only been here a couple of weeks but I was already missing not being able to play. I put some strings on it and now play it every day.

Getting things from home and knowing that there are good Americans back home that appreciate what we are doing really makes a difference.
On behalf of all the guys in the J33 Fires Cell we really want to thank you. You are making a difference.

Gene MxFxxxx, USAF