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Thank YouMyra Foskey,

I’m not sure if there is a way to thank you for everything that you sent us.
I understand a little more about how care packages like the ones we just received can bring a smile to my fellow soldiers out here. This is the first deployment for most of my team and when I walked through our office with three boxes to my small area they seemed bland and stuck in a rut. When I placed the boxes out for them to see what WE ALL got… the motivation, smiles, and jokes all came back as if we were back at our home station. And the COFFEE thank you so much. Every time we try to buy coffee here they run out or it’s some kind of excuse why they haven’t stocked it and the frustration on not having some is now gone! I know you spent a lot of money sending and buying these boxes of awesomeness (as some of the
soldiers put it) but not one thing will be wasted. Well, I must get back to work and again THANK YOU again. Everyone is happy and this wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for you.

M. C.