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Ms. Myra,

I have been receiving packages from you for a couple of days now.  The boys are going wild!  Thank you so much.  I had no idea what to expect when my Marine Gunner buddy told me about signing up on any Marine, but I’m glad I did.   I could not (cannot) believe the generosity you and your friends have shown.  I sent a letter after the first package arrived, but after receiving the others I wanted to let you know right away how much you’ve helped the boys.  A morale boost like this is very important as the deployment drags on and you certainly made our week!  I wish you could see the grins on the faces of the DEVIL DOGS!!!  Anyway, if there is anything I can do or say to repay you, please let me know!  I’d love to fly a flag on your behalf and send it back to you if you like.  I’m trying to figure out how to get a picture of the Marines uploaded so I can send it to you (we are not allowed to plug in personal devices), but I’ll figure something out.  Well, it will be a long day, but all the better because of you and your appreciation.


Have a great day!
Semper Fi – AJR