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Guitar #23

Good Morning Everyone!
I want to share with all of you the below email that Hearts to Heroes received from XXX Wxxxxxx, Kuwait (he will be receiving Guitar #23).  From 28 Sep 12 thru today, we have shipped 7 guitars to our Troops in Kuwait.
I want to thank all of you for the support that you have shown to our Troops and also to Hearts to Heroes!  As you can see in the below email, it does make a difference!
Right now, we are in the process of being sure that all Christmas items/Cards are shipped out to our Troops no later than 3 Dec 12.  We have received a large collection of items from several organizations and what we could use right now is monetary donations to help get these items shipped to our Troops.  Hearts to Heroes is a Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Public Charity so donations are tax deductible.
I hope that you and your families have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
Take care and God Bless!
Myra Foskey
Hearts to Heroes
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
P. O. Box 711; Cochran, GA 31014

“God Bless America” and “God Bless Our Troops”

Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 5:18 AM
Subject: Thanks a bunch

Hello Ms Foskey,

My name is XXX Dxxxx Wxxxxxx and I want to thank you for your support especially for the guitars.  I received your email address from XXX Sxxxxxxx who received a great guitar. Please if you can afford to send another, that would be awesome.  Thanks again, have to rush 1sg is calling me…


Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: Thanks a bunch

Hi Dxxxx!

It’s good hearing from you!  We will be glad to ship a guitar to you!
When the guitar has been shipped, I will send you an email so that you can be on the look out for it.  Do you need any hygiene or snack food items?

Take care and God Bless!

Hearts to Heroes



Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 5:17 AM
Subject: RE: [UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO] Thanks a bunch

Ms Foskey,

Thank you so much for this opportunity, these guys who received the guitars have learned songs and play for the guys in the tent.  Music really soothes the atmosphere during the holidays, kind of makes the unit feel like they are sitting around a campfire back at home.  We owe that special moment to you and all of our men and women who support us.
It’s almost impossible to transmit, what you have done for this unit. To be honest, we had some guys in the dumps so to speak and those guitars been shared through the tent.  I, as a leader, seen the morale increase and the bondng increase immediately.  Thank you so much.

Very Respectfully,

XXX Wxxxxxx, Dxxxx
XXXXX-XX/Xxxxxxx Xxxxx