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Hi Everyone,
 Hearts to Heroes received the below email from our Troops in Afghanistan!  We shipped 12 boxes full of snack food items, hygiene items, coffee supplies, books and magazines.
Thanks to everyone for your help and support!
 Take care and God Bless!

 Myra Foskey
Hearts to Heroes
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Public Charity


Thank YouDear Myra
I just wanted to thank you very much for all of those packages you sent us. My Soldiers and I thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. All of the items helped brighten everyone’s time here. The items sent were greatly needed and supplied us for a while where we shouldn’t need anything for sometime. Some of the Soldiers are at outlying bases that do not have any means of getting these items and I am currently pushing these out to them. So again we thank you and Hearts to Heroes for all of the support.
Thank You
Sxx Jxxxx Sxxxxxx
and the Soldiers from Task Force No Mercy