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Dear friends and family,

First, I simply want to say thank you to all of you that have sent care packages during our deployment.  The gifts you have sent have done much to help keep morale high during some very stressful times.  Your generosity has been overwhelming, and for that, I and all my Soldiers, will forever be thankful. 

As we approach the end of our deployment, the time has come to shut down our mail system, and thus, the last day to send packages is on the 15th of February.  Any packages sent after that time will be returned.
However, a new Chaplain and team of Soldiers will be falling in on our area.  His name is Chaplain Yoonhwan Kim.  If any of you would like to continue sending care packages, please feel free to contact him.  I know he will greatly appreciate your support.

We will be sending out a Certificate of Appreciation to each of you after we return home.  It is only a small token of our thanks for all you have done.  May God bless you all richly as you continue being a blessing to those you encounter in your journey.

CH (CPT) Mark J. Olson
3-21 IN, 1-25 SBCT
Arctic Wolves, Alaska

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