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January 27, 2012 9:40 AM

Dear Ms. Foskey
I’d like to thank you for your packages that we received. The Marines and I really like all the goodies we got, especially all the baby wipes. Those will come in handy. =] It really means a lot to us that you took the time to build up those packages and send them to us.

Felipe A V………


January 27, 2012 6:02 PM

You are most welcome!  I will be shipping 3 more packages out to you today, there were some things that were not included in the first shipment that I wanted all of you to have.

Take care and God Bless,



January 27, 2012 11:45 PM

Thank you once again, we cant thank you enough. Your gifts to us went quickly, every Marine needed something out of the boxes. We appreciate you taking the time to think of us and sending us things that we need.

Felipe A V…….