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Eddie, Randy,
I’ve been meaning to get a photo out to you all of me playing the Bass guitar you sent me.  So I am attaching it now.  I really appreciate you all taking the effort to send this out to me.  I’ve already taken it and done a few adjustments to it too.  I replaced the strings with a really nice set of Elixirs and set the bridge height so that it is much more smooth to play on.
I’ve really been jamming on it and even ended up getting me a Line 6 Low Down Studio 110 Bass Amp so I can do some practicing and playing out here. The bass has definitely made my days much nicer!
Again, I want to say thank you very much to you both for making this happen.
Also, as a sidenote, when I redeploy, I am going to find someone else looking for a bass to pass on to so they can use it, along with your e-mail address so that they can send you a thank you note too.  I’ve taken it and improved and I’ll pass it on with the same point of having the next person use it and pass it on too and to make sure that you all get a thank you note for it since you donated it!
Thomas Loyd

PS: Please also pass on a REALLY BIG thanks to Hearts to Heroes organization for me too!