We received the following Thank You on Saturday, 1 Feb 20, from the Troop that received Guitar #146:
“Hi Myra! I received the guitar weeks ago! I got a pretty bad cold shortly after, and then we had an Exercise. My point is I got pretty busy so I didn’t let you know, but those are just excuses. I should have said something sooner. Well, the guitar is really nice! It plays and sounds better than it should haha. I really appreciate all the extra accessories you threw in there too. That is beyond generous and it was really fun to open up the case and find it all in there. I also liked that you printed in the pamphlet that you have given away 146 guitars, and mine is the 146th one so mine was the most recent one at the time of printing. I plan on keeping that pamphlet for a long time, and I can tell people the story of how I got that guitar. Here is a picture of me with the guitar. I think it was the day after I got it. I waited for my first day in uniform. Thank you again! It means a lot to me, and I will use it well and take care of it.”
God Bless America, God Bless Our Troops and God Bless Our Veterans!