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Good Morning Everyone!
Below is an email Hearts to Heroes received from Keith Rxxxxx, in Xxxxxxxxxxx. Thanks everyone for your help and support!
Take care and God Bless,
Myra Foskey


On behalf of the entire XXXxx Xxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Squadron based at Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, thank you for the boxes of goodies sent by your team.  It’s really heart-warming to receive such expressions of support from the folks back home.  Everything was very well appreciated and went like wild-fire. 
Additionally, I received the bass-guitar from the “Guitars for the Troops” program.  I’ve already put it to good use, and after I leave, will ensure it gets donated to a group who can continue to use it here in-theater, probably one of the many churches at the xxxxxxxx.  I don’t have contact info for Eddie, Mickey or Bill, but I’d really appreciate if you could pass-on my sincere thanks to them.  Their labors are truly generous, as they even included a bass-tuner with batteries!
Your group is truly made up of great Americans.  Thanks again!