We received the following message on Sunday, 27 Oct 19, from the deployed Troop that received Guitar #130:
“I received the guitar. Thank you so much. I would like to know if you all ever have any junior guitars that I may be able to purchase. I am going to try and work on learning with my son over video chat while I’m deployed. I would prefer to buy from you all who are doing such a great thing for service members. Thank you,”
Hearts to Heroes: Hi xxxxxxxx! Thank you so much for letting me know that you received your guitar! We hope that you are enjoying it! We haven’t ever dealt with Junior quitars. If I come up on one, where would you want it sent? How old is your Son? Take care and God Bless! Myra”
Troop: “My son is about to be 8 on November 19th. He has taken the deployments the hardest over the last few years, and I was just trying to find a way to give him some one on one time in a special way. If you come across one just let me know. I’m happy to pay. You all have already done more than enough for me.”
Hearts to Heroes: “Hi xxxxxxxx! I have a guitar that was repaired and then donated to us by a Luthier, Bill Cox. When we received it, I thought of your Son due to the size of the guitar. It seems like a good size for a soon to be 8 year old! What is your Son’s name so we can address it to him when we ship it? Attached is a picture of the guitar that we will be sending to him. I will send you an email letting you know when its been shipped. Thank you for your Service! Take care and God Bless! Myra”
Troop: “Maam, That is awesome. Thank you so much. This deployment has been particularly hard on him, and I think this will make a big difference. It is his 8th birthday on the 19th, so your timing is impeccable. His name is xxxxxxxx. Thank you so much,”
Guitar #136 was shipped this afternoon!
God Bless America, God Bless Our Troops and God Bless Our Veterans!