We received the following message on Friday, 16 Aug 19, from one of our deployed Troops:
“Hello! My name is xxxxxxxx and I am a Specialist in the U.S. Army. When I was in high school, I picked up playing guitar after my father, and developed a real passion for it; however, over the last few years, I had become distracted and stopped playing. I am currently serving overseas on my first deployment, and during my time at a FOB in xxxxxxxx, I discovered an old guitar behind some boxes. The thing was beat up and dusty, but a friend sent me some strings and I managed to tune it and make it playable again. The mixture of relearning how to play and having nothing else to do in my free time out there allowed me to once again fall in love with playing! I managed to entertain the other troops, and even teach a few to play! When the time came for me to move on to my next site, I left the guitar where I found it so they could continue to play.
Now I am here in xxxxxxxx, and I find myself longing to play each day! I was telling this to a Sergeant of mine, and he told me about your organization and recommended that I reach out to you to see if you would send one of yours out here so I could continue practicing and teaching.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
P.S. I really love what you guys are doing. From your description, I know that you know how much this means to us out here. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. “
Guitar #126 was shipped to our Troops this afternoon!
God Bless America, God Bless Our Troops and God Bless Our Veterans!