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Miss Myra!
Oh my indeed! The mail room really surprised me today when they told me that I had 3 packages waiting for me to pick up! I wasn’t expecting anything and got a very big and special surprise from you and the Hearts to Heroes program! I wanted to send you a personal e-mail and thank you and all the volunteers that put forth the effort, time, and money in sending these care packages to us out here. Believe it or not, it is these things that leave a much more enjoyable memory while out here serving in the various capacities that we do for the military, and by proxy, serving you too. You never know what you miss until you are not around it! Thank you very much and have a most wonderful blessed day there in Georgia too!
Humbly and Respectfully yours,
in Iraq & Kuwait
PS: I’ll send photos once I get these delivered out to the troops working with me!