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We received the below Thank You, this afternoon, from the Troop that received #377:
“Hello Ms. Foskey, The guitar arrived. I’m very thankful for your organization to give me the opportunity to play the guitar while overseas. I appreciate all you do! Thank you!”
God Bless America, God Bless Our Troops and God Bless Our Veterans!
 We received the below message on Friday, 12 Nov 21, from one of our deployed Troops:
“Hello ma’am, This is sergeant xxxxxxxx from xxxxxxxx. Please ma’am, what is the process the get the acoustic guitar? Thanks in advance for your response. Very Respectfully,”
#379 was shipped to our Troops this afternoon!
God Bless America, God Bless Our Troops and God Bless Our Veterans!
We received the below message on Wednesday, 17 Nov 21, from one of our deployed Troops:
“To whom it concerns, My counterpart gave me your email recently, mentioning for myself to ask for a guitar. I was just day dreaming last week wouldn’t it be nice to learn to play Guitar on my deployment. Thank you in advance for all your support.”
#378 was shipped to our Troops this afternoon!
God Bless America, God Bless Our Troops and God Bless Our Veterans”